After coming back from the recruiter's office on Saturday we decided it was time to tell my parents.
I will admit. I was a bit nervous. I had a pretty good idea of what they were going to say but there is always room for the unknown, unexpected and just plain wild.
My mom answered the phone and I said, "Well, there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to be blunt. I'm joining the Marine Corps Reserves."
Thankfully, I know my parents a lot better than even I give myself credit for and they reacted just as I expected they would.
After the initial, "You're kidding!" my mother said I was crazy and my father agreed. Then they both started in on the questions as to why, when, where, what, with loads and loads of "what ifs" mixed in.
To sum up an hour and fourteen-minutes of conversation into as few words as possible: They aren't thrilled. They don't understand. They want me to change my mind. They will pray for God's will. Once I've past the point of no return they will be 100% supportive.
I can't wait for the 100% supportive part.
My brother, a Sailor of twelve years, went through this with my parents and when I told him the news this morning he was just as surprised but much more supportive. At the very least he has said, "You can do it," whereas my mother said, "You'll snap like a twig."
Ahhh, the differing opinions.
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