Friday, March 5, 2010

Step One

I love my new recruiter.

He is smart, sure of himself, informed and everything my prior recruiter was not.

Our meeting tonight was everything I hoped it could be.

Unfortunately my recruiter was not able to find any of my paperwork from the prior recruiter so we had to go through all of the boring details again but it was a small price to pay for the answers and reassurances.

We got further tonight than I have been able to get in the previous six months and to sum up an hour long meeting I'll just say that tomorrow my husband need to go in to sign papers regarding our son including my signing off physical custody to my husband for the duration of my Recruit Training. We'll also be signing some financial paperwork stating that my husband will not be able to access my pay while I'm in training and other such documents.

Within the next two weeks I'll be going to MEPS and then my recruiter will submit a distance waiver for me to get approved for the drilling stations I might be drilling at. Once that comes back (which he said can take one to two weeks, sometimes a little longer) I'll be able to swear in if not by the 1st of April then the 1st of May at which point I will officially be in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).

He said that currently the earliest anyone is able to ship is October so I'm looking at another nine month wait, at least, before I even stand on those yellow footprints but this is at least one step in that direction.

Provided nothing goes wrong at MEPS I should be a Poolee in a matter of weeks.

I'm so excited and nervous, scared and happy. This is the most conflicted I've ever felt in my life and I thank God for a good, strong husband who has been supporting me and encouraging me through this journey.

When I picked up my son from his babysitter I had to give him an extra little hug and kiss. I'm going to miss him so much and I can't hold him and kiss him enough to make up for my time away from him.

On a side note, we found out tonight that not only was my previous recruiter fired, but also kicked out of the Marine Corps. We didn't get specifics, only that he was involved in "shady practices." And I can't say how many times he said he was going to be a lifer.

What a day.

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