Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not Everyone Can Be a Marine

The phrase, "If I can do it, anyone can," is something overused in our society. Of that I am sure.

I heard a female Marine say that once and while I hoped she was being honest I now know this is a fallacy.

Not everyone can be a Marine.

I had finally made the decision to make the call that would separate me from the DEP due to my knee issues.

I by-passed my PT and regular recruiters and called the SNCOIC.

When he answered the phone I told him I wanted to talk to him about my enlistment and my knees and he surprised me by saying he'd already taken care of everything. He'd already called the powers that be and they had already approved my discharge. He said that after watching me run at the last poolee function he was sure this wasn't going to be possible for me and he went ahead and took the steps necessary for my separation.

I asked him if I needed to call anyone or meet with anyone and he said no.

"You don't have to do anything. There's nothing to sign. This isn't going to go on any record. You didn't do anything wrong. For these kinds of medical things there's just nothing you can do."

I thanked him for everything.

I hung up the phone and started to cry.

Honestly, I'm really not that emotional. I have a pretty good grasp on things and I can roll with the punches, but this was a pretty hard blow.

And so my short ride that never did start is over.

My husband assures me this won't be the last time I get emotional about it either.

"Ten years from now," he said, "even though you know you made the right decision, even though you are happy and everything is going good, you'll still wish you would've done it, even if it made you crippled or killed you or both."

This has made me respect Marines even more (if that was even possible). Before I started this journey I was absolutely sure I could physically finish it. I told my recruiter that the physical trials of the Corps didn't phase me in the least. "I can do it," I assured him.

I was wrong. I can't. But there are so many men and women who can and do and that makes me very grateful and proud and respectful.

Now I'm turning my concentration to finding something else to do with my life.

I still want to serve. I still want to learn. I still want to be a benefit to my fellow man and my country. I may not be able to do it as a Marine but I will find another way.

This isn't the end, just a chapter in the book.


  1. Taking the right path isn't always easy, but I respect for doing so. If you're looking for another avenue to help you country and community, consider joining your local fire or EMS department. I had planned on joining the military after college but, for several reasons, that wasn't in the cards. It took me several years before the itch to do something/ANYthing finally found an outlet. I've been a volunteer firefighter for almost 5 years now and I know I make a difference.

    Not sure whether your knees would be up for interior firefighting, but you could always work on the exterior, drive, and/or run the pump/ladder.

    EMS would also be a good place and the skills would complement your fighting skills.

    No matter what you choose, you've got nothing to be ashamed of!


  2. dear lima,

    you are doing the right thing. we know you want to make a difference. and you are. in all of us, your distant friends and followers. but one of -if not the most- important things you can leave behind on this world is the impression and influence you make on your children. raising them up in wisdom and in Truth.

    God has given you a gift and a heart to share that gift with everyone you meet. and not just one, but many gifts. and uncountable blessings. but you know this, and recognize the tragedy of leaving life never having passed them on.
    you have been given a son, and it is your responsibility as parents to instruct him in the things which are eternal.

    if nothing else, you will have made the ultimate impact on our world by showing him the narrow way.

    keep it up.
    we love you.
    Christ loves you.


    'our mission isn't always what we want. and what we should want, we do not always know'
